Miana bryant
Miana bryant

miana bryant miana bryant

Last month, nearly half a century after Bryant’s “Save Our Children” campaign, Florida Gov. Bryant spearheaded an anti-LGBTQ campaign of such impact that its echoes can be heard in today’s rhetoric. A woman who spoke at this hearing said it was her right to control “the moral atmosphere in which my children grow up.” That woman was Anita Bryant, formerly Miss Oklahoma and a white, telegenic, Top 40 singer who was well known for her Florida orange juice commercials (“A day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine!” she’d say).

miana bryant

Florida classrooms quickly became a battleground, and opponents of the ordinance said the state’s support of civil rights for homosexuals was infringing on their rights as parents.Īction had to be taken, and a campaign to limit the legal rights of LGBTQ people - all in the name of protecting children - was enacted. A recent ordinance had granted gay people housing and employment protections, and that meant teachers couldn’t be fired because of their sexuality. The nation, they said, was in peril and children were at risk. At a public hearing in Dade County, Florida, parents were enraged.

Miana bryant